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Castor oil


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Purified Castor oil

Vegetable oil squeezed out from the seeds of castor plant, Ricinus communis, found in Africa and India

For Hair
Fatty acids and Vitamin E of castor oil aid in hair growth. When applied on hair and scalp, castor oil stimulates hair growth, charges up blood circulation and frees the scalp of any bacterial and fungal infections and dandruff. Hair roots get the required nourishment through castor oil. The usage checks hair loss and split ends. The oil traps the moisture of the hair and prevents it from becoming dry. The same theory comes into force when castor oil is applied on eyebrows. Topical application of castor oil helps in thickening of eyebrows
As Laxative
Castor oil is known for its laxative benefits. When taken orally, ricinoleic acid gets released in the intestine and then it starts functioning as a laxative. Its hotness initiates action by digesting the undigested food residue and cleanses the system by helping in proper bowel movement. Many women tend to complain about constipation after delivery. If they consume castor oil prior to going to bed at night, the acid helps in proper bowelmovement.

For Skin
Application of castor oil on skin keeps it hydrated and free from infections, thus a remedy for acne. It is also used to do away with dry skin  of hands and legs. It is used to treat ringworms and clear away stretch marks formed after delivery. Regular use helps in keeping off wrinkles. Using the oil locally treats painful cracks in nipples. It also heals cuts and wounds. It can come into help to treat severe cases of diaper rash in babies.

It is anti-allergic in nature and this helps in doing away with allergies related to skin and naso-pharyngeal area

It strengthens the immune system by increasing white blood cells and thus fights infections

Castor oil is a triglyceride and around 90 per cent of the oil consists of ricinoleic acid, which has anti-inflamatory properties. Thus, it is used for reducing inflammation and swelling of joints and tissues. Oral consumption of 2 spoonfuls in a glass of water provides relief in cases of severe rheumatoid arthritis.

Weight 0.100 kg


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