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Medimix sandal soap


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Medimix sandal soap

Sandalwood is a fragrant wood that is made of fine-grained dust and it produces an oil that has a strong mesmerizing fragrance. The oil and the powder find a variety of cosmetic uses since it helps in enhancing the glow of your skin and giving you a flawless complexion. It has powerful antioxidants that help in slowing down the signs of aging and has anti-inflammatory properties that help in soothing the skin. You can use sandalwood powder for bathing, in face packs and use the essential oil in an oil massage. But the best way to get all the beauty benefits of sandalwood is to start using a sandalwood soap that has all the goodness of this medicinal plant. That way, each time you have a bath, you can derive all the benefits of sandal from the soap

This new Medimix sandal soap contains the goodness of sandal and eladi oil that are effective in treating skin blemishes. Sandal oil and an ayurvedic formulation of eladi oil helps in removing blemishes, dark spots and other pigmentation. Regular use gives you clear, blemish-free, fresh and glowing skin. This luxurious sandal bar contains a very rich fragrance and lathers really well resulting in easy application

Medimix sandal soap:.Medimix Sandal is hand-made through an elaborate process, the potent combination of Sandal Oil and Eladi Oil is very effective on Skin Blemishes, Dark spots, Pimples and other pigmentation marks. The soap has a rich Sandal fragrance and lather which makes for a luxurious bathing experience.

Buy online Medimix sandal soap in France with Anjali Indian Boutique

Net weight: 100 g.

Weight 0.100 kg


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