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Medimix transparent soap


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Medimix transparent soap

Medimix transparent soap is hand-crafted; the time tested formulation of Lakshadi Oil is combined with Glycerine and the resulting combine is effective on dry skin. It effectively moisturizes dry skin, keeping it soft and supple and helps reduce itches and cracks caused by dryness. The soap has a naturally fresh fragrance.

Medimix transparent soap contains a unique combination of purest and finest grade vegetable Glycerine and the time tested Ayurvedic formulation of Lakshadi oil. These effectively Moisturizes your dry skin making it soft and supple and helps reduce itches and cracks caused by dryness . It is also effective for people with dry skin and for dryness caused by winter and adverse seasons, this product is specially called as Dry skin soap (Dry skin/ dry skin soap).

Medimix transparent soap: A traditionally Hand Made Ayurvedic soap, dry skin soap and Glycerine soap to Keep your skin soft & Supple.Contains no animal fat, for external use only.

Medimix Transparent Soap With Glycerine is one of the best soap to give your skin a complete nourishment with glowing felling. The New Medimix Transparent bar which is green in colour, holds a natural fresh fragrance all over with superior suds, for a soft and supple skin. Medimix Transparent Soap With Glycerine is made up with unique blend of purest and finest grade vegetable Glycerine and the time tested Ayurvedic formulation of Lakshadi oil. These efficiently moisturize your skin to make it soft and help in reducing itches and cracks caused by dryness. It is also effectual on the dry skin caused by winter and adverse seasons. Use Medimix Transparent Soap With Glycerine to feel the difference.


Buy Medimix transparent soap online with Anjali Indian Boutique in France

Net Weight : 125 g.

Weight 0.125 kg


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