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multani mitti



Multani mitti, better known as the Fuller’s earth is a clay substance that is hugely popular for its healing property against acne and blemishes.  It is very rich in magnesium chloride which helps to reduce acne. Originally used as an absorbent in the wool industry this ingredient is now greatly used in many skin care products.Multani mitti removes the dead cells from skin so that it can breath well. Multani mitti face packs are very effective in changing your skin as well as improving the texture of the skin. It also makes it radiant by removing acne and blemishes to a great degree. It is well capable of removing all the impurities from your skin so that your pores are not clogged anymore and thus prepares your face for serum or cream application. In this way the cream gets more absorbed and works more effectively.

Multani mitti with rose water makes an excellent face masks for oily skin. For dry skin, add milk and almond paste with it. It improves blood circulation also.Multani mitti is well known for its oil absorbing property. It’s for this reason that it is added in the face packs so widely. It cools down aggravated and irritated skin instantly. It works wonders for acne prone skin. It soothes it and also reduces the redness and the flaming irritation. It not only reduces the acne but also reduces the appearance of them again. To reduce blemishes use a pack of multani mitti with tomato juice, turmeric and sandalwood powder. Apply and leave for ten minutes and then rinse it off. It also acts as a wonderful cleanser which brightens the face immediatety.

Multani mitti also reduces sun tan and helps to reduce pigmentation. It can also heal your scar marks. Add some essential oil with multani mitti for your face pack and it will give soft supple skin in no time

Multani mitti is highly beneficial for oily skin. If you have very dry or sensitive skin, stay away from it as it can aggravate the situation

Buy online Multani mitti with Anjali indian boutique

Net Weight: 40 g.

Weight 0.040 kg


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