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Shikakai powder


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Shikakai powder: Promotes hair growth – Controls hair fall – Cures scalp infection – Controls premature graying of hair

Shikakai has been used in India from ages as a natural hair wash and conditioner. Shikakai imparts shine and body to hair,and has a balancing effect on irritated scalp and dandruff.Shikakai popularly known as fruit for hair is a powerful herb for hair. It is traditionally known to have an impact on growth of hair. The pods of the plant are rich in saponin, the foam-forming substance which makes it a natural cleanser and conditioner to remove oil and dirt, and keeps hair free of fungal infections. Shikakai is rich in vitamin C apart from abundant antioxidants such as vitamins A, D, E and K that promote healthy hair growth. Shikakai controls sebum and increases bounciness and silkiness of hair Shikakai Powder acts as a natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties.Being a natural conditioner for hair, Shikakai strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth. It helps remove pollutants from your hair while cleansing your scalp off impurities gently. It will also help in giving proper strength to your hair.Using this shikakai shampoo would give you lustrous looking beautiful hair. The natural ingredients present in the shampoo clean the scalp while retaining natural oils of your hair. It helps prevent thinning and graying of hair as well.It also helps stimulate hair follicles and thus promotes healthy hair growth.

Shikakai powder has the follwing advantages:

1.It provides new vigor to your hair

2.It strengthens the hair roots

3.It fights against the dandruff

4. Keep your scalp clean and cool.

Direction for use: Mix the Shikakai powder with adequate quantity of water to make a paste of it and can appy directly to your hair instead of soap or shampoo.

Ayurvedic Product – Made in India.

For external use only.

Buy Shikakai powder online in France with Anjali Indian Boutique.

Net weight 40 grams.

Weight 0.040 kg


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