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Pinda thailam



Pinda thailam

Pinda Oil is made without compromise from the highest quality ingredients. It is recognized in Ayurveda for being particularly useful in joint aches and pains. Pinda Thailam is useful for bringing inflammation down in the body.

Pinda Oil is made without compromise from the highest quality ingredients. It is recognized in Ayurveda for being particularly useful in joint aches and pains. It is a cooling, soothing red oil that is specifically for Pitta conditions, such as pain, inflammation or heat. Prevents excessive exfoliation of the skin and soothes foot blisters and burning sensations. Pinda Thailam is useful for bringing inflammation down in the body.

Pinda Thailam (also known as Pinda oil) is a cooling massage oil, and mostly used by Pitta individuals, who particularly suffer from skin problems like rashes and eruptions.It is prepared from the Indian plants Manjishta and Shariba, and is highly therapeutic, as it contains pitta reducing herbs. While Manjistha is known to possess anti-rheumatic properties, Shariba is a perfect body relaxant.

Composition :
Tailam 7.500ml Ghritam 1.250ml Erandatailam 1.250ml Sahachara 5.000g Sariba 5.000g Amlakanchikam 20.000ml Manjishta 0.208g Sariba 0.208g Sarjarasa 0.208g Madhucchishta 0.208g

Manjistha renders the red colour to the oil. Pinda Thailam is particularly used rheumatoid arthritis, as it helps deal with bone degeneration and associated pain. When used during pitta-vitiated conditions, including skin problems, it helps prevent excessive skin exfoliation, heals foot blisters and burning sensation, thereby protecting against skin lesions. When massaged, the oil enters into the body through the pores, softening the skin and lubricating the joints.

It is prepared from the Indian plants Manjishta and Shariba, and is highly therapeutic, as it contains pitta reducing herbs. While Manjistha is known to possess anti-rheumatic properties, Shariba is a perfect body relaxant.

Buy online in France with Anjali Indian Boutique.

Net Content: 200 ml.

Weight 0.200 kg


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