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Red sandal powder


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Red Sandal powder is a red powder that comes from the heart or core of the Camwood tree; after peeling the bark. It is used as a beauty regime in cleansing both the face and the whole body. The after effects is immediate leaving your skin smooth, supple and glowing. The Camwood Powder/Red Sandalwood Powder is also loaded with natural skin soothing properties and provides excellent skincare enhancing qualities. It is used to relieve: Skin discoloration Acne Eczema Wrinkles Acne Rashes Sun burn Premature aging Emerging Natural Beauty Unrefined Camwood/Red Sandalwood Powder has no additives. It can be used by itself or added to natural soothing products to achieve a flawless skin.

Red sandal powder: Excellent cosmetic properties, brightens the skin. Red sandal powder is used to make disappear the black marks and makes the skin clean.

  • Sandalwood Powder is used for relieving Skin Discoloration
  • Sandalwood powder mixed with Turmeric can rejuvenate the skin.Sandalwood powder mixed with Black Soap helps in reducing acne
  • it acts as a natural exfoliant and skin cleaner, and has blemish-fighting properties.
  • Removes acne/pimples- Red sandalwood is a good treatment for acne and pimples, and is perfect as a medicinal and cosmetic product. If you are suffering from those irritating pimples and want to get rid of them, apply the red sandalwood powder and water on the infected areas.
  • For Itching and Skin Irritations- If you have itching on any part of your body, and are reluctant to use cosmetics on your skin, then red sandalwood powder is the one you must try. You can mix the red sandalwood powder with Coconut oil and apply on the infected areas

1. Red sandal powder can be used to get glowing,even skin tone and flawless complexion.When used with rose water as a face pack it can be beneficial to get a flawless skin. 2. Sandalwood powder is also very beneficial for oily skin tone,it can help reduce oiliness from skin.When used with lemon juice as a face pack it helps to control oiliness and tighten skin pores. 3. Red sandalwood powder can be used get wrinkle free skin.Red chandan posses properties like detoxifying and anti ageing.When used with glycerin and rose water as a face pack it can get u wrinkle free skin. 4. Red sandalwood powder can also be used to treat acne/pimples.Because of its antimicrobial properties it is an effective treatment for acne/pimples.When used with turmeric powder and rose water as a face pack it can help diminish acne/pimples. 5. Red sandalwood is very effective in removing suntan from skin.Because of it soothing and calming effect it is helpful in treating skin tan sun burn.When used with curd or cucumber water as a pack it is an effective treatment for sun tan and sun burn. 6. Red sandalwood can also be used to nourish and soothe irritated skin.It can be used with any body oil to nourish and soothe skin naturally.

Net Weight: 40 g

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Weight 0.040 kg


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